PLD Systems - UMC

TSST is specialized in the design and production of customized, thin film deposition equipment, with a focus on Pulsed Laser Depostion (PLD). TSST systems and components can be found at universities and research labs all over the world. With 20 years of experience and developed knowledge, TSST shares its experience in the field of complex materials thin film growth with its customers.
  • Demcon/TSST


Advanced Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD)

Twente Solid State Technology (TSST) is specialised in the design and
production of customised thin film deposition equipment, with a major focus
on Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) for advanced thin film studies on atomic
scale. TSST systems and components can be found around the world.

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Pulsed Laser Deposition

TSST Pulsed Laser Deposition systems for thin film growth are state-of-the-art,
highly flexible PLD systems for thin film research, ideally suited and field proven for
research on a large variety of materials including complex oxides.
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Substrate Heating

TSST provides custom heating solutions based on three different heating methods;
resistive, radiative and laser heating. Depending on required heating requirements
such as sample size, temperature range, gas environment, TSST designs custom
suitable solutions in a wide range of possible specifications.

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Twente Solid State Technology B.V.

Twente Solid State Technology (TSST) is specialised in the design and
production of customised thin film deposition equipment, with a major focus
on Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) for advanced thin film studies on atomic
scale. TSST systems and components can be found around the world.
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UMC Corporate Headquarters located at 160 Chubb Ave. Suite 206, Lyndhurst, NJ 07071
+1 (201) 507-3300


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